
  • Glossika Day 5

    “Practice makes perfect” is a common phrase, but I’ve heard a much more realistic version from both martial arts and music teachers: “practice makes permanent.” Practice something wrong, and all you’re doing is cementing your mistakes. If you improve yourself each time you practice, you’ll eventually achieve perfection (or as...
  • Glossika Day 4

    Day 4: I actually was able to comprehend some of the Cantonese sentences today. Some more simple ones using repeat vocabulary with earlier sentences, like “今日風唔大 。”, or “It isn’t windy today.”, was a sentence that I was actually able to repeat after in the time allotted and understand...
  • Glossika Day 3

    Day 3 had me studying the 3rd GSR file, which reviews the previous 20 sentences introduced and introduces 10 new ones. For the note, all of the sentence that are run through the GSR files were first introduced in the GSM-A file that I listened to on the first day,...
  • Glossika Day 2

    I must admit that I was quite skeptical when discovering yesterday that the GSR were only meant to be listened to. I mean, how effective can something be if you’re not actively trying to do something with it? Day 2 says surprisingly so. Day’s 2 lesson on...
  • Glossika Day 1

    I listened to and attempted to repeat after each of the first 50 GMS-A sentences. The GMS-A sentences are each sentence in order in the pattern of “English (1x), Mandarin (2x), Italian (2x), Cantonese (2x), Spanish (2x).” This means that for each of the 50 sentences, I...
  • Glossika Course Received

    Finally got the course materials for my crazy Mandarin, Italian, Cantonese, Spanish language learning experiment. This blog post will be about what materials came in the course and my plan of attack. Shortly after, I’ll release another post detailing how day one of studying went. I probably won’t write a...
  • Intro to Anki

    When learning any craft, hobby, or new skill one of the things a beginner needs to learn is what tools are involved and how to make the best use of them. Anki is one of the most recommended tools for language learning and it’s for good reason. At it’s...
  • Still Waiting

    Five days later after placing the order for the 4-language triangulation course, I’m still waiting for it to be available for download. They did warn in one of the documentation that I read, that it might take up to 7 days for custom courses to be built, so we’re still...
  • Learning 4 languages simultaneously: An Experiment

    This is the first post in a new experiment of mine: learning multiple languages simultaneously, primarily through Glossika. Quick background on me: After a rather pitiful attempt at learning Japanese in middle school and early highschool, I stumbled across Tengwar, one of Tolkien’s elvish writing systems, and...

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