Day 7

Did GSR file 7 in my car on the drive home from work today. Doing it on the drive home works out pretty well, considering how bad traffic tends to be around here in the evening. No breakthroughs or anything today, but felt like I understood some of the sentences in the recordings, rather than just heard.

Total time spent with Glossika today: 39 minutes.
Total time spent with Glossika: 279 minutes (~4.7 hours).

Day 8

Did GSR file 8 this afternoon.

Total time spent with Glossika today: 40 minutes.
Total time spent with Glossika: 319 minutes (~5.3 hours).

One of the main reasons I chose Cantonese, besides it being a good case study for how Glossika performs with no background, was because there’s a pretty decent chunk of people in the SF bay area who speak Cantonese. It was kind of disappointing when I first started learning Mandarin that I still couldn’t understand many of the Chinese in our area, because I chose the wrong kind of Chinese. Well, today I heard spoken Cantonese and could actually make some of it out!